Clothing for Baby Dolls
custom order made just for your doll
All clothing is made to order for your doll. Arlington Doll Rescue has a wonderful inventory of antique and vintage fabric and notions. In addition to new old stock Arlington Doll Rescue has a beautiful inventory of new fabric that is true to the era for your composition doll.

Cotton Organdy Dress, Bloomers and Bonnet
A great choice for any baby doll. This cotton organdy ensemble has bobbin stitched hem embellishment and rayon ribbon accents. Safety pin closure in the back just like the dolls form the 1930's. Available in white, pink, green, yellow, lavender or blue organdy. Don't forget to add wool booties, and a voile under slip.

Miracle on 34th Street - Baby Beautiful
Cotton Organdy Dress, Bonnet and Bloomers
This dress is a copy of a factory original dress for an Ideal Baby Beautiful. The dress is trimmed in embroidered cotton organdy trim custom dyed to match the dress. The skirt also has bobbin stitched detailing near the hemline. Baby has matching organdy bloomers and bonnet trimmed with cotton lace and rayon ribbon. Available in white, pink, green, yellow, lavender or blue organdy. A cotton voile underlip is recommended under her dress. Consider adding wool felt booties with bobbin stitched embellishment as well.

Bubbles Sleeveless Dress Bonnet and Bloomers
$60 - $90
This cotton organdy dress, bonnet and bloomers was inspired by the factory original dress Effanbee made for Bubbles. Available in white, pink, green, yellow, lavender or blue organdy. It is a sleeveless dress appropriate for baby dolls with all compo arms.

Wool Booties
$20 - $30
Vintage Style Doll Booties are copied from an original pair of baby doll booties for your composition baby dolls. These booties are available in white, pink or blue wool felt. They are available plain or embellished. These booties have a ribbon bow, scalloped top edge.
Clothing For Composition Toddler Dolls

Organdy Toddler Dress, Bloomers and Bonnet
This 100% cotton organdy toddler frock, bloomers and bonnet can be made to order in white, pink, green, yellow, lavender or blue organdy.The bonnet is trimmed with cotton lace and nylon gathered ribbon.
Dress for Amberg "IT" Doll
Another pattern taken from factory doll clothing. The dress on the right is an example of the factory original dress. The copy on the left is made from 100% cotton lawn.

Kewpie Sunsuit
This sun suit is a copy of the factory original Kewpie outfit. The blue outfit is made with 100% cotton dimity. The pink outfit is cotton lawn.